release notes

May 2024 Release Notes

release notes

April showers bring May product updates! Take a look at Sync’s latest product releases and features. 💐

The Sync team is heading to San Francisco for the Databricks Data+AI Summit 2024! We’ll be at Booth #44 talking all things Gradient with a few new surprise features in store.

Want to get ahead of the crowd? Book a meeting with our team before the event here.

Download our Databricks health check notebook

Have you taken advantage of our fully customizable health check notebook yet?

With the notebook, you’ll be able to answer questions such as:
⚙️ What is the distribution of job runs by compute type?
⚙️ What does Photon usage look like?
⚙️ What are the most frequently used instance types?
⚙️ Are APC clusters being auto-terminated or sitting idle?
⚙️ What are my most expensive jobs?

The best part? It’s a free tool that gives you actionable insights so you can work toward optimally managing your Databricks jobs clusters.

Head here to get started.

Apache Airflow Integration

Apache Airflow for Databricks now directly integrates with Gradient. Via the Sync Python Library, users are able to integrate Databricks pipelines when using 3rd party tools like Airflow.

To get started simply integrate your Databricks Workspace with Gradient via the Databricks Workspace Integration. Then, configure your Airflow instance and ensure that the syncsparkpy library has been installed using the Sync CLI

Take a look at an example Airflow DAG below:

from airflow import DAG
from airflow.decorators import task
from airflow.operators.python import PythonVirtualenvOperator
from airflow.providers.databricks.operators.databricks import DatabricksSubmitRunOperator
from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago
from airflow.models.variable import Variable
from airflow.models import TaskInstance

from sync.databricks.integrations.airflow import airflow_gradient_pre_execute_hook

default_args = {
    'owner': 'airflow'

with DAG(
    schedule_interval = None,
        'gradient_app_id': 'gradient_databricks_multitask',
        'gradient_auto_apply': True,
        'cluster_log_url': 'dbfs:/cluster-logs',
        'databricks_workspace_id': '10295812058'
) as dag:

    def get_task_params():
        task_params = {

        return task_params

    notebook_task = DatabricksSubmitRunOperator(



And voila! After implementing your DAG, head to the Projects dashboard in Gradient to review recommendations and make any necessary changes to your cluster config.

Take a look at our documentation to get started.

April 2024 Release Notes

release notes

Our April releases are here! Take a look at Sync’s latest product updates and features.

Sync’s Databricks Workspace health check is now self-serve and available as a notebook that you simply download and run on your own.

With the notebook, you’ll be able to answer questions such as:

⚙️ What is the distribution of job runs by compute type?
⚙️ What does Photon usage look like?
⚙️ What are the most frequently used instance types?
⚙️ Are APC clusters being auto-terminated or sitting idle?
⚙️ What are my most expensive jobs?

The best part? It’s a free tool that gives you actionable insights so you can work toward optimally managing your Databricks jobs clusters. Head here to get started.

Hosted Log Collection for Microsoft Azure

You’re now able to easily onboard your Databricks jobs on Azure. With Sync-hosted collection within Gradient, users are able to minimize onboarding errors with a “low-touch” integration process.

Want to give new features a try and learn more about the latest Gradient updates? Get started for free here.

Job Metrics Timeline View

Track custom Spark and Gradient metrics for your projects directly from the Gradient dashboard. With this enhanced view, you’re able to visualize metrics like core hours, number of workers, input data, and more!

Login to Gradient now to get started.

March 2024 Release Notes

release notes

Our team has been hard at work to deliver industry-leading features to support users in achieving optimal performance within the Databricks ecosystem. Take a look at our most recent releases below.

Worker Instance Recommendations

Introducing Worker Instance Recommendations directly from the Sync UI. With this feature, you are able to tap into optimal cluster configuration recos so that your configs are optimized for individual jobs.

The instance recos within Gradient not only optimize the number of workers, but also the worker size. For example, if you are using i3.2xl instances, Gradient will find the right instance size (such as i3.xl, i3.4xl, i3.8xl, etc) in the i3 instance type.

Instance Fleet Support

If your company is using Instance Fleet Clusters, Gradient is now compatible!  There are no changes required on the user flow, as this feature is automatically supported in the backend.  Just onboard your jobs like normal into Gradient, and we’ll handle the rest.

Hosted Log Collection

Running Gradient is now more streamlined than ever! You’re now able to opt into hosted log collection entirely in the Sync environment with Sync-hosted or user-hosted collection options. What does this mean? It means that there are no extra steps or external clusters needed to run Gradient, allowing Sync to do all the heavy lifting while minimizing the impact on your Databricks workspace. 

With hosted DBX log collection within Gradient, you’re able to minimize onboarding errors due to annoying permission settings while increasing visibility into any potential collection failures, ultimately giving you and your team more control over your cluster log data.

Getting Started with Collection Setup
The Databricks Workspace integration flow is triggered when a user clicks on Add → Databricks Workspace after they have configured their workspace and webhook. Users will also now have a toggle option to choose between Sync-hosted (recommended) or User-hosted collection.

  • Sync-hosted collection – The user will be optionally prompted to share their preference for cluster logs stored for their Databricks Jobs. This will initially be an immutable setting saved on the Workspace.
    • For AWS – Users will need to add a generated IAM policy and IAM Role to their AWS account. The IAM policy allows us to ec2:DescribeInstances, ec2:DescribeVolumes, and optionally an s3:GetObject and s3:ListBucket to the specific bucket and prefix to which users have configured uploading cluster logs. S3 permissions are optional because they may be using DBFS to record cluster logs. The user needs to add a “Trusted Relationship” to the IAM role to give our Sync IAM role permissions to sts:AssumeRole using an ExternalId we provide them. Gradient will then generate this policy and trust relationship for the user in a JSON format to be copy and pasted.
    • For Azure – Coming soon!
  • User-hosted collection – For both Azure/AWS will proceed as the normal workspace integration requirements dictate

Stay up to date with the latest feature releases and updates at Sync by visiting our Product Updates documentation.

Ready to start getting the most out of your Databricks job clusters? Request a demo or reach out to us at

February 2024 Release Notes

release notes

We’re excited to share all the new and improved features that our team has recently released to help our customers gain full governance over their Databricks infrastructure.

Databricks Workspace Integration
Introducing the Databricks Workspace Integration for Gradient. With this new feature, you’re able to further simplify the process of connecting your Databricks Workspace to the Sync platform. This capability eases the tedious process of consolidating with the Gradient UI without the use of the Sync CLI.

To get started, head to the integrations tab in your Sync dashboard. Here you’ll see a list that includes Databricks Workspace. Navigate to the Add dropdown menu and click on the Databricks Workspace dropdown option to trigger the integration flow.

Log in to Gradient to get started.

Project Reset Data
As users integrate their projects into Sync, they are often faced with sudden config changes. Project Reset is a capability built directly into the Sync platform in which users will be able to perform a hard  “reset” on the data for a project, ultimately triggering the build of a new custom model for the related job.

Now available via the Sync API, coming soon to the Sync UI

With this new capability, you’re able to reset the following directly from the Sync UI:

  • Historical logs
  • Resets the selected project back to “learning” mode
  • Clears project graphs
  • Clears the project’s history table
  "result": [
      "created_at": "2024-02-21T02:35:46.806Z",
      "updated_at": "2024-02-21T02:35:46.806Z",
      "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
      "name": "string",
      "app_id": "string",
      "cluster_path": "string",
      "job_id": "string",
      "workspace_id": "string",
      "workflow_id": "string",
      "creator_id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
      "product_code": "aws-emr",
      "description": "string",
      "status": "Pending Setup",
      "cluster_log_url": "string",
      "prediction_preference": "performance",
      "auto_apply_recs": true,
      "prediction_params": {
        "sla_minutes": 0,
        "force_ondemand_workers": true,
        "fix_worker_family": true,
        "fix_driver_type": true,
        "fix_scaling_type": true
      "tuned_cost": 0,
      "tuned_runtime": 0,
      "project_model_id": "UNASSIGNED",
      "metrics": {
        "job_success_rate_percent": 0,
        "sla_met_percent": 0
      "latest_prediction_id": "string",
      "latest_prediction_created_at": "string",
      "creator": {
        "created_at": "2024-02-21T02:35:46.806Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-02-21T02:35:46.806Z",
        "id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
        "sync_tenant_id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
        "email": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "last_login": "string"
      "phase": "LEARNING",
      "optimize_instance_size": true,
      "project_periodicity_type": "DAILY_SINE",
      "product_name": "string"

User Management
With User Management, you’re able to take a hands-on approach to managing your users in Gradient. With this feature, account owners can:

  • Add a user
  • Deactivate a user
  • Assign a specific role to a user

Stay up to date with the latest feature releases and updates at Sync by visiting our Product Updates documentation.

Ready to start getting the most out of your Databricks job clusters? Reach out to us at

January 2024 Release Notes

release notes

Exciting things are happening at Sync as we move further into the new year!

Ensuring that our users are equipped with the tools to fully manage the automation of their infrastructure is always top of mind. With the most recent iteration of Gradient, Sync users are able to take advantage of a toolkit that makes optimizing Databricks clusters even better.

Here’s what’s new in the latest version of Gradient:

Org Settings

Org Settings is now available in the main navigation bar in the Sync Dashboard. Users are able to navigate to the Org Settings tab to find personal user information, a comprehensive list of API keys, and a list of organization users with their user details.

With Org Settings, users will see a consolidated list of personal information, API keys, and account users directly in the Sync UI.

Stay up to date with the latest feature releases and updates at Sync by visiting our Product Updates documentation. Ready to start getting the most out of your Databricks job clusters? Reach out to us at