Choose a plan that fits your needs

Free trial

10,000 free core* hours

Try Sync for free and scale as needed.


$ / core*hour
(Contact Sales)

Gradient comes fully features out of the box encompassing our full optimization and visibility feature suite.

  • Workspace overview dashboard
  • Aggregate projects dashboard
  • Project level dashboards
  • Spark metrics timelines
  • Tune number of workers
  • Tune instance size
  • Tune instance family
  • Tune EBS settings (AWS only)
  • Tune SLA
  • Easy DB Workflows Onboarding
  • API Access
  • Auto-Apply tuning mode
  • Cyclical data size support
  • Unlimited Users
  • SOC 2 Compliance
  • AWS and Azure cloud support
  • Minimum 12 month contract commit
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Custom pricing

All of the features of the standard plan but with extra support and discount for high volume enterprise users.

  • Dedicated Integration Support
  • Volume and contract term discount
  • Tech support on demand
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More info

  • What’s a core-hour?

    For a job run, we “size” the job based on the number of cores (or VCPUs) multiplied by the runtime (in hours).  For example, if the job you want to optimize starts out with 1 driver, and 10 workers of the i3.2xlarge, and it runs for 60 minutes, then that is a total of (11*8)*1 = 88 core-hours.

  • Why do you charge based on core-hours?

    We use the core-hour metric to make sure the Sync fee is always a small percentage of whatever job Sync is managing.  This way users don’t have to “pick the right job” so it makes financial sense to use our services.  Users can widely deploy sync and our services will always be right sized.

  • Does Sync offer a pay-as-you-go plan?

    We do not currently offer pay-as-you-go plans. Our plans are offered with payment on a monthly or annual basis.

  • How many core-hours do I use?

    Compatible core-hours are calculated in our free Databricks health check notebook.  Run it in your Databricks environment today to get a quick assessment.

Get started in minutes

Book an up-close personalized demo to learn what Gradient does, how it works, and how to get started.