Extensive Databricks
cost analysis
Gain unparalleled visibility into your Databricks compute spend and performance metrics.
ML-powered cost analysis
Gain complete visibility and control over Databricks compute costs
Understand Databricks spend
View your total spend and track daily costs in one glance. Drill down to job-level reports for further analysis to for a better understanding of job costs and performance.
Analyze job costs and metrics
Analyze costs by customer, app-id, or custom tags. Access detailed Spark metrics for every job to assess cost with performance indicators.
Instantly detect inefficiencies
Identify your most expensive jobs and pinpoint inefficiencies in your data infrastructure. Use the free health check notebook to see your 10 most expensive jobs and identify opportunities for optimization in minutes.
Gain customized actionable insights
Get tailored recommendations to reduce costs, based on fully customized machine-learning models. Click to apply each recommendation, auto-apply for optimization at scale.
Use historical cluster metrics
Cross-correlate historical records of cluster configurations and Spark metrics with cost and runtime data to gain a holistic picture of the performance of your data pipelines.
Track Airflow/Azure data factory
Connect the dots between job runs, costs, performance, and cluster configuration, even when using data orchestrators or DAGs with multiple tasks.
Gain complete visibility, cut compute costs, and save engineering time
Complete cost visibility
Spark metrics
Root cause analysis
Team augmentation
Free health check
I’d be surprised if there was any data team on the planet that wouldn’t save money and time from using Gradient.
Jesse Lancaster, CTO,
“Gradient is an excellent tool that delivers real results that you can see in your monthly [data infrastructure] bill.”
Deniz Parmaksız, Sr. Data Engineer, Insider
“With automated optimization and scalable solutions, Gradient guarantees seamless pipeline operation.”
Blaine Elliot, Data Engineer, Abnormal
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Get started today
Don’t let Databricks costs spiral out of control. Get the visibility you need and easily optimize your data infrastructure to maximize ROI with Gradient.